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Bobath Rehabilitation

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We provide professional support in Bobath Rehabilitation.




What is Bobath Therapy?

Bobath Therapy is one of the most preferred physiotherapy methods in the world, which is used in the rehabilitation of children and adults.  It can be applied regardless of the presence of accompanying problems especially in Cerebral Palsy. It is also widely used in other conditions that cause movement disorders and sensory and motor developmental delay.

The foundations of Bobath therapy were laid in the 1940s by physiotherapist Berta Bobath and his wife, neurophysiologist Karol Bobath. Today, it is a dynamic treatment method that is still updated with scientific studies.

What is the purpose of Bobath Therapy?

Bobath therapy is specially planned for each child. The main purpose of the therapy is to increase the functional capacity of the child, to diversify the activities that he / she can do and to encourage him / her in this direction. In this way, the child’s adaptation to his environment will increase, his / her communication with people will be strengthened and he / she will reach the maximum level of independence that he / she can have in every aspect of his / her life.

What is the basis of Bobath Therapy?

Bobath therapy mainly focuses on the central nervous system. The self-restructuring (neuroplasticity) feature of the brain is used.

Rather than teaching a movement such as sitting, walking, etc, a very good assessment should be made of why the child is unable to do that movement. In order for this movement to be applied, a suitable environment should be prepared and action should be taken directly.

What are the techniques used in Bobath Therapy?

Since Bobath therapy is specific to the individual, the degree of central nervous system involvement and motor dysfunction in the child are analyzed first. The functional boundaries of the child are determined. As a result of this analysis, short and long term goals in therapy are determined with the family.  In the therapy part, special therapeutic grips, positioning, stimulation and facilitation techniques are used. With these techniques, it should be aimed to regulate abnormal muscle tone, to give the child a normal sense of movement, and to reveal the correct movement in the child.

What distinguishes Bobath Therapy from other methods?

Active participation of the child in Bobath therapy is one of the strengths of the concept. Conducting the sessions in play activities in an enriched environment ensures the participation of the child and increases the motivation required to make the movement. Children learn by playing.

Another strength of the therapy is that it is family oriented. Home and school arrangements should be suitable for the child, the reasons for this situation should be explained to the family in detail. In line with the purposes of the sessions, the family should be offered the activities they can do at home. The treatment continues with orthotic supports and assistive devices aimed at increasing the independence of the child and protecting the body alignment. Evaluations should be continuous in subsequent controls.

Who applies the Bobath therapy?

Bobath therapy is performed by physiotherapists, occupational therapists or speech-language therapists who are specialized in pediatrics for children and who have successfully completed their education and received the title of “Bobath therapist”.

How can I get Bobath Therapy?

If your child has problems such as neurological and developmental retardation and difficulty in moving, you can apply to our Rommer International Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center to benefit from Bobath Therapy.  In our center, evaluation and Bobath therapy support is provided for babies and children by Bobath physiotherapists.

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ROMMER International Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medical Center

ROMMER International Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medical Center; Presents physicaltherapy and rehabilitation applications by using advanced technology and thermal water in Turkey’s history, nature and thermal city of Bursa.

Since 1994, ROMMER has been providing health services with its experienced, professional staff in the field of physical therapy and rehabilitation, internal medicine, brain and nerve surgery, nutrition and dietetics and clinical psychology departments.

ROMMER treats neurological diseases such as hemiplegia, parkinson, MS; pediatric diseases such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, brachial plexus; orthopedic diseases such as joint restrictions, fractures and dislocations; painful diseases such as lumbar and neck herniaspatients by using special computerized  devices, robotic rehabilitation systems and occupational therapy methods.

ROMMER aims to enable patients to perform their daily life activities independently-painlessly and to increase their quality of life at the end of rehabilitation program.