In Kolan Hospital Group Cardiology Department; In order to protect heart
health, diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases, a high level of service is
provided to patients with equipment and infrastructure at international
With the contribution of the Department of Pediatric
Cardiology, diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of cardiac patients, from
newborn babies to the oldest adults, has been provided.
Cardiology department; It provides services to its
patients in examination, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and coronary
intensive care in heart diseases.
Diseases and treatments
served in the Cardiology Department;
Acute coronary syndrome
Aortic diseases (aneurysm, aortic dissection, Aortic valve
stenosis, Aortic valve insufficiency)
Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
Atrial fibrillation
Atrioventricular blocks, atrio-ventricular node disease
Leg vein diseases
Vascular occlusion
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Chest pains
Sick sinus syndrome (sinus node disease)
Conduction system diseases of the heart
Heart valve diseases
Heart attack
Heart failure
Carotid (carotid) disease
Coronary artery disease
Mitral valve diseases
Pulmonary valve diseases
Raynaud phenomenon
Renal artery disease
Rheumatic heart disease (rheumatic fever)
Tricuspid valve stenosis and insufficiency
Adult congenital heart defects
Congenital heart diseases in adults
The vessels that feed the heart’s own muscle tissue are
called “coronary vessels”. Despite taking preventive measures,
if there are complaints suggesting stenosis in the coronary vessels or if a
disorder is detected in pre-tests (exercise test, stress echocardizography,
thallium test, etc.), cardiac catheterization and coronary angiography are
performed to determine the location and degree of this stenosis. If
critical stenosis is detected, treatment options may be balloon
angioplasty-stent or by-pass surgery.
In Kolan Hospital Group Angiography Laboratory, coronary
angiography is performed safely over the groin (femoral artery) and wrist
(radial artery). Balloon Angioplasty-Stent Application It
is the process of opening the stenoses detected in the coronary vessels with a
balloon and / or stent placed in the angiography laboratory. After the
patient is followed up overnight, in the absence of complications, he can be
discharged and return to his previous activities in a short time.
Heart attack occurs with the sudden blockage of the coronary
vessels. Cardiac muscle tissue is damaged by occlusion of the coronary
artery. In order to minimize this damage, clot dissolving (thrombolytic)
drugs or balloon and stenting should be applied immediately. In our
department, both of these treatment methods are successfully applied and then
the patients are followed up in the coronary intensive care unit until they
become stable again.
PFO is a valve-like hole in the wall between the right and
left atria of the heart due to insufficient closure of the membrane that should
close after birth. In the presence of PFO, in cases that increase
intra-chest pressure such as coughing, sneezing, and straining, the valve can
be opened and blood can pass between the atria. When the blood passes from
the right atrium to the left atrium via PFO without passing through the filter
system of the lung, small clots in the blood can travel to the brain and other
organs and cause infarction in the organs. In our department, it can be
closed in our angiography laboratory using a method similar to PFO angiography.
In some cases, temporary blocks in the heart or severe
slowdowns in heart rate may develop. These situations sometimes resolve
spontaneously. A temporary pacemaker can be inserted through the groin or
neck vein, similar to angiography, in order to maintain the patient’s rhythm
and continue his life until recovery.
Non-Invasive Cardiology (subtext will open when the link is clicked.)
The diagnosis and treatment of heart rhythm disorders are
planned in this section. ECG recording is required at the time of rhythm
disorder for diagnosis. Ritm Holter is used for this purpose. Monitoring
and control of pacemaker patients are also done here.
There are different types of rhythm disturbances that cause
tachycardia. These disorders are caused by electrical abnormalities in
different parts of the heart. A tissue that should not be in the normal
heart is responsible for abnormal electricity. As in coronary angiography,
these tissues are found and destroyed with wires called catheters that are
advanced from the groin vessels to the heart. This procedure is called
catheter ablation. Radiofrequency or cooling system is used to destroy
abnormal tissue.
Catheter ablation is done with an electrophysiology device. It
is a procedure that requires one night stay for follow-up purposes. It is
performed under local anesthesia. It is applied with a high success rate
for many rhythm disorders.
It is the examination performed with an ultrasound-like
device over the chest wall with a gel. With this procedure performed by a cardiologist
personally, the heart walls, heart valves, and great vessels can be examined. During
the procedure, there is no exposure to x-ray. It can be applied to people
of all ages without any side effects.
Thanks to this process;
Heart valve functions
Causes of shortness of breath
Causes of heart rhythm disorder
Causes of previous serious heart muscle infarction (heart
muscle death)
Preliminary detection of severe coronary artery occlusions
can be made.
It is an examination similar to gastroscopy. The probe
of the Echo device is swallowed orally and pulls the ultrasound of the heart
through the esophagus. In the examination performed in this way, the heart
cavities and heart valves can be evaluated much better since there is no lung
between them. In some cases, it can also be applied if very insufficient
image is obtained in the examination performed on the chest.
It is a test used in the detection of coronary artery
diseases, determination of effort capacity, and routine controls of people with
known coronary vascular diseases.
This test is carried out under the supervision of an experienced nurse and
Continuous ECG and regular blood pressure measurements of the
patient are carried out on the band, which is accelerated and inclined in
accordance with certain rules.
Stress echocardiography is an echocardiography application
performed with exercise methods or drugs that accelerate the heart rate.
Acupuncture and Treatment Unit
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