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We provide professional support in Audiology.




Audiometry is the name given to the hearing test that
provides measurement of hearing and evaluation of hearing functions. It
includes tests and measurements related to hearing.

What Procedures Are Performed in the Audiology

Pure Tone Audiometry: (Pto) It is the most common
ear test. It determines the minimum sound intensity (hearing threshold)
that both ears can hear at different frequencies (thin and thick sounds).
Anamnesis is taken from the person and the test is explained to the person. Before
starting the pure tone threshold audiometry test, the person is told to hear
different tones of signal sounds and to press the signal button on his / her
hand. After the test is explained, the test starts. The person is
placed in a soundproofed cabin. Sound is given to the patient’s ear
through a headset. The two ears are tested separately and their hearing
thresholds are determined. When the person hears the sound, he gives a
signal by pressing the button in his hand. Thus, the sound level he hears
is determined. In this measurement, the airway and bone conduction hearing
level is determined. Airway measurements provide information about the
auditory pathways from the auricle to the brain. The bone conduit gives
information from the inner ear. By looking at the airway and bone
conduction measurements, information is obtained about which part of the ear
the hearing loss originates from. Airway thresholds are determined with
the help of earphones attached to the ear, and bone canal thresholds are
determined with the help of a bone vibrator placed on a protrusion called the

After the hearing thresholds are determined, the
thresholds are marked on the audiogram.

Speech Audiometry

The test that uses the human voice as a stimulus is
called Speech Audiometry. While doing speech audiometry, a microphone is
given to the person and the person is asked to repeat the words I
read. After the test explanation is done, the test starts. In
addition, these test results provide important information about determining
the need for a hearing aid and how useful it can be. These are the
important scores to be evaluated regarding the type and model of the hearing
aid to be applied. SRT SDS, UCL, MCL values ​​are
determined and the results are recorded and transferred to the computer.

Speech Receiving Threshold (SRT)

It is the loudness at which the patient can correctly
hear 50% of the words given to him.

The test is applied as follows;

Six words with 3 syllables are given 10dB to 15dB above
the patient’s mean pure tone (SSO). If the patient repeats them all
correctly, the 5dB intensity is reduced and another 3-syllable word list is
given again. If it repeats this correctly, it is continued by decreasing
5dB. Patient from 6 words; For example, if 2 of them answered
correctly, that is, it fell below 50%, the severity we gave in the previous
step is determined and recorded. Once saved, it is transferred to the

Speech Discrimination (SDS)

For this test, 25 single-syllable words are
read by adding 25dB – 40dB above the SRT threshold of the person. Each
word he answered correctly and incorrectly is counted, and correct answers are
multiplied by 4% and the SDS value is determined. After the SDS value is
determined, it is recorded. The recorded values
​​are transferred to the computer.

Most Comfortable Listening Level (MCL) 

The part between the SRT and the disturbing sound level
(UCL) is the patient’s most comfortable listening level. (SRT + 25dB –
40dB) The value is determined and saved.

Disturbing Level (UCL)

It is the point where the patient is disturbed by the
violence; it is the loudness that the patient cannot tolerate the given
intensity. The value is determined and saved.

Tympanometry: It is a test used to measure the
pressure of the middle ear. The eardrum should not have a hole in order to
be able to measure. It is a painless and painless test. Pressure
value between -50 and +50 is accepted as normal value. Before starting the
test, the person is informed about the test and the test is started. During
the test, the person should not move or speak. The pressure in the middle
ear is measured with a probe inserted into the outer ear canal. Separate
measurements are made for the right and left ear. Obtained values ​​are recorded. During this test, while sound
is sent to the ear, the external auditory canal pressure is changed and the
membrane mobility is checked. The result is a graph and a pressure
value. After the values ​​are
saved, they are transferred to the computer. As a result of the test; Important information about the health and function of
the eardrum and ear ossicles is obtained.

Acoustic Reflex; High sound waves coming from
outside make the eardrum and then the ossicles vibrate. If the sound
intensity is too high, the stapes muscle attached to the stirrup bone contracts
to protect the inner ear, preventing the excessive movement of the stirrup bone
and protecting the inner ear. This condition is called the acoustic
reflex. Reflex values ​​are
measured by recording the movements in the membrane with the movement of the
stirrup bone.
With this test, information is obtained about to what extent the acoustic
reflex pathways work against a severe stimulus. Separate measurements are
made for the right and left ears and the values ​​are
recorded after they are determined. The recorded values ​​are transferred to the

Which Complaints Do Patients Apply to the Audiometry


Feeling of pressure in the ear

Hearing loss problem

For What Purpose Are the Devices in the Audiology
Laboratory Used?

Audiometer Device  

These are electronic devices used to measure
hearing sensitivity. Thanks to these devices, sensitivity to pure voice
and speech sounds can be measured.

Impedance meter (tympanometer device);

Tympanometry Test

Acoustic Reflex Test

Symptoms of hearing loss in newborn

Newborn Baby; If he does not jump when he
suddenly hears a high-pitched and loud noise, a 4-6-month old baby: if he does
not turn his eyes to the direction of the sound. By 18 months: No 5 to 20

Between the ages of 1-2: if he does not follow
simple orders such as show his nose, show his eyes.

Between the ages of 2-3: If they cannot make
short sentences consisting of simple words of 2-3 words.

Symptoms of hearing loss in children

Frequent ear infections, especially recurrent middle ear infections

Frequent ear pain

Difficulty hearing certain sounds and determining the
direction of the sound

Better responsiveness to loud sounds

Difficulty executing verbal commands or making mistakes

Difficulty hearing, not understanding speech in noisy environments

Better understanding of speech when the speaker sees his face

Wanting to be closer to the person speaking

Listening to television, radio or cassette player loudly
or at close range

Signs of delay in language and speech development

Speaking is not smooth, fluent and clear for his age

Stating that “the child only hears what he wants to
hear” in the anamnesis taken from the family.

Such as problems with reading and school success

Additional information

Spoken Languages



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