In the pediatric health and diseases department of our
hospital, assessment, follow-up – control of the newborn from the moment of
birth, examination of the growth and development of healthy children, informing
mothers, preventive health services, all kinds of examination and laboratory,
imaging, inpatient clinic services and newborn intensive care services. It is
given by our specialist physicians. Pediatric Diseases Services Provided
in Our Hospital
Newborn Assessment
Preventive Health Services
Periodic Examinations of Infants and Children
Follow-up, Control, Physical, Psychological and Social
Assessments in Children
1- APGAR Evaluation: It is the evaluation of the newborn
in the 1st and 5th minutes according to the APGAR scale.
2- Eye Care: During birth, gonococcyx
microorganisms in the mouth of the cervix may contaminate the baby’s eye and
cause blindness. Therefore, after the baby is born, the eye area and
eyelids are wiped from the inside out with sterile (distilled) water or a cotton
soaked in SF.
3- Fontanelles (Bıngıldak): There is anterior
fontanel between sagittal and coronal sutures, and posterior fontanel between
sagittal and lumboidal sutures. The anterior fontanel is 5 cm in size and
is expected to close by 18-22 months. The background fontanel is smaller
and closes for 2-4 months. While early closure causes microcephaly, late
closure may indicate bone growth retardation or hydrocephalus. Therefore,
the newborn should be checked and the family should be informed.
4-Oral: The mouth of the newborn is checked in
terms of cleft palate. The cleft palate may be accompanied by a rabbit lip
or only one may be found.
5-Nostrils: It is checked for congestion while
aspirating. While aspirating, it should not be forced if the aspiration
catheter does not go forward.
6-Ear, Urethra, Anus : These holes must be
checked. If there is meconium, this is an indication that the anus is
open. Otherwise, it can be looked at with a degree.
7-Chest, Abdomen, Back: It is examined in
terms of any anomaly.
8-Hip Dislocation: Holding the knees of the
baby lying on his back, both knees are pushed towards the abdomen. Then
both legs (thigh) are opened slowly to the sides. Normally, both knees can
be equally extended to the ground, if not, the possibility of congenital hip
dislocation (CHD) is considered. In addition, in babies with bulk
(subcutaneous adipose tissue developed), the pleats on the inside of the thighs
and legs, when the legs are brought side by side, SSN is considered if they are
not symmetrical. In this baby, the non-DKÇ leg is longer than the other.
Height: 48 – 54 cm Weight: 2500 – 4300 grams
Head circumference: 33 – 35.5 cm, Chest circumference: 30 – 33 cm
Breathing: 30 – 50 times / minute, Pulse: 120 – 160 times / minute
The services provided for the protection of health, the
prevention of diseases and the arrangements are included in the preventive
health services group.
Periodic health examinations; It consists of a group
of tasks designed to either identify the risk that may exist for a disease or
to identify a disease in its early symptom-free period. Some other
methods, such as vaccinations, counseling, are also included in the definition.
Although the routine physical evaluations made
immediately after the birth of the baby give many clues in terms of its
development, some findings regarding the developmental delay, which is too mild
to be detected in the normal physical examination, are possible with more
detailed evaluations. The presence of developmental disorders is often
noticed by families when a significant delay (such as inability to speak,
inability to walk) is observed in the child. An overlooked symptom of
delay in the motor, social-personal or language development of the baby &
child, delayed speech in later periods, a neurological disorder that may result
in delayed walking, as well as many problems such as difficulty in academic
development, inadequacy in social skills with school age. It causes it to grow
without taking precautions.
Babies of mothers with problematic pregnancies, babies
with low birth weight, babies born from ancillary methods and multiple
pregnancies are priority groups in terms of development follow-up. Because
babies with these qualities carry a risk in terms of developmental
disorders; They should be subjected to a detailed development assessment
at least 2-4 times in the first two years, and once each until the age of 6 in
the following years.
The 7-storey Private Medivia Hospital located in Çengelköy, one of the important centers of the two continents, is established on a 4000 square meter closed area and has a large car park, 26 service beds (2 suites, 24 standard), 25 incubator neonatal intensive care unit, 7 beds Our hospital with a total of 58 beds including adult intensive care unit, physical therapy and rehabilitation unit, radiology unit (MR, computed tomography, bone densitometer), sleep laboratory, endoscopy unit, 24 + 1 polyclinic room, 3 operating rooms, 2 delivery rooms, biochemistry / microbiology laboratory serves with emergency service and diagnostic units.
You will feel safe with our physician staff, nurse and assistant health personnel who can apply the preventive service and treatment approach in our hospital in the best way.
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