We provide professional support in Peripheral Angiography.
Percutaneous Interventions in Peripheral Artery Diseases
1.What is an artery? What is a peripheral artery?
The Turkish equivalent of artery is ‘arterialvein’. Arteries can be defined as the piping system that carries the bloodpumped from the heart. The brain, muscles, arms, legs, lungs, skin, allorgans in the abdomen (liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, spleen, etc.), inshort, all tissues receive oxygen from the blood carried through the arteries(arteries) and are fed. Peripheral artery is the general name given to thearteries that go to all other tissues and organs except the heart (listedabove).2. What is peripheral artery disease?
Peripheral arterial disease is the condition of narrowingof the veins as a result of swellings extending into the vein with a highcholesterol (a kind of fat in the body) content between the layers of thearterial wall, and as a result, the inability to get enough blood to the areafed by the vein. Sometimes, narrowing of the veins can occur as a resultof inflammatory diseases of the vascular wall, rheumatic diseases, diseasesinvolving the immune system, coagulation in the vein, congenital diseases orother disorders.3. What is a Catheter?
Catheter is the general name given to the thin tubes thatare inserted into the arteries or veins by making a small incision in theskin. They are in different lengths, thicknesses and inclinations and areused to view different vessels and to send thin wires, balloons, stents,lasers, twisted devices, sound wave emitting devices and other materialsthrough them. In other words, they can be used for both diagnostic andtherapeutic purposes.
4. What is iodinated contrast material?
Iodized contrast media, as the name suggests, arechemical compounds containing iodine. When injected into the vein througha catheter, it makes the veins visible on the x-ray device, so the doctor cansee the vein and the disease in the vein, if it has expanded the vein, whetherit has expanded sufficiently and appropriately.5. What is peripheral angioplasty (vasodilation) and how is it done?
Anticoagulant drugs are often used when widening thestenosis in the veins. Some of these drugs (for example, aspirin orequivalents) can be given orally before the procedure and used for a long timeor even a lifetime after the procedure. Again, during the procedure,anticoagulant or clot-dissolving drugs, as well as vasodilating drugs can beadministered directly into the vein. In some patients, sedatives can alsobe used intravenously.7. Can there be adverse events associated with interventional (with balloon andstent) treatment of peripheral arterial disease, what is the risk of the procedure?
Interventional (balloon and stent) treatment ofperipheral arterial disease is a small-scale surgicalprocedure. Therefore, some undesirable situations, which we callcomplications, may occur during the application. However, the risk ofcomplications in these procedures is very low and often not vital. A pieceor clot may break off from the vessel wall and go to other vessel regions andblock that region, this event is called ’embolism’. If an embolism occursin the brain while dilating the neck vein, a stroke (stroke) maydevelop. If the organ damage as a result of embolism is in the arm or leg,emergency surgery may be required, rarely gangrene and organamputation. Tearing or perforation of the vein is very rare, it maydevelop due to the wire passed through the stenosis area and the devices usedto expand the vein. Its incidence is approximately one in a thousandpatients. There may be an urgent need for surgical intervention(surgery). Separation of the vascular layers (dissection) can occur duringthe procedure and can often be treated immediately with the use of a stent orprolonged inflation of the balloon. Very rarely, emergency surgery may berequired. Vascular spasm (contraction, contraction) may occur during theprocedure, causing pain and sometimes damage to the organ fed by thevessel. It often resolves with direct intravenous administration ofantispasmodic drugs; Damage is very rare. Rarely, the vein that istried to be opened can be completely blocked, in this case, damage to the organfed by the vein may occur, and emergency surgery may be required. Duringthe procedure, heart rate and blood pressure (blood pressure) may decreasewhile dilating the vessels or depending on the drugs given; but this isoften fixed without causing a problem. In the area where the artery isentered, ballooning (aneurysm), rupture, and obstruction in the vein can beseen rarely and may require surgery. Rarely, depending on the drugs usedduring the procedure, bleeding may occur in a region very different from theprocedure site or in the procedure area or in the area where the artery isentered. There may be swelling due to bleeding in the area where theartery is entered, this swelling often goes away in 3-4 weeks. Renalfailure may develop due to the drugs used during the procedure, especially theiodinated contrast material. Although the majority of patients with renalfailure improve, they may rarely require dialysis treatment later inlife. All kinds of allergies can develop due to drugs; but these can oftenbe controlled with other medications given. occlusion is rare and mayrequire surgery. Rarely, depending on the drugs used during the procedure,bleeding may occur in a region very different from the procedure site or in theprocedure area or in the area where the artery is entered. There may beswelling due to bleeding in the area where the artery is entered, this swellingoften goes away in 3-4 weeks. Renal failure may develop due to the drugsused during the procedure, especially the iodinated contrastmaterial. Although the majority of patients with renal failure improve,they may rarely require dialysis treatment later in life. All kinds ofallergies can develop due to drugs; but these can often be controlled withother medications given. occlusion is rare and may requiresurgery. Rarely, depending on the drugs used during the procedure,bleeding may occur in a region very different from the procedure site or in theprocedure area or in the area where the artery is entered. There may beswelling due to bleeding in the area where the artery is entered, this swellingoften goes away in 3-4 weeks. Renal failure may develop due to the drugsused during the procedure, especially the iodinated contrastmaterial. Although the majority of patients with renal failure improve,they may rarely require dialysis treatment later in life. All kinds ofallergies can develop due to drugs; but these can often be controlled withother medications given. Depending on the drugs used during the procedure,bleeding may occur in a very different region from the procedure area, or inthe procedure area or in the area where the artery is entered. There maybe swelling due to bleeding in the area where the artery is entered, thisswelling often goes away in 3-4 weeks. Renal failure may develop due tothe drugs used during the procedure, especially the iodinated contrastmaterial. Although the majority of patients with renal failure improve,they may rarely require dialysis treatment later in life. All kinds ofallergies can develop due to drugs; but these can often be controlled withother medications given. Depending on the drugs used during the procedure,bleeding may occur in a very different region from the procedure area, or inthe procedure area or the area where the artery is entered. There may beswelling due to bleeding in the area where the artery is entered, this swellingoften goes away in 3-4 weeks. Renal failure may develop due to the drugsused during the procedure, especially the iodinated contrast material. Althoughthe majority of patients with renal failure improve, they may rarely requiredialysis treatment later in life. All kinds of allergies can develop dueto drugs; but these can often be controlled with other medicationsgiven. Renal failure may develop due to the drugs used during theprocedure, especially the iodinated contrast material. Although themajority of patients with renal failure improve, they may rarely requiredialysis treatment later in life. All kinds of allergies can develop due todrugs; but these can often be controlled with other medicationsgiven. Renal failure may develop due to the drugs used during theprocedure, especially the iodinated contrast material. Although themajority of patients with renal failure improve, they may rarely requiredialysis treatment later in life. All kinds of allergies can develop dueto drugs; but these can often be controlled with other medications given.
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