We provide professional support in Gynecologic Oncology.
Cancer screening, colposcopy for early diagnosis and treatment of cancers and
laparoscopic procedures are performed in Gynecologic Oncology Unit which deals
with gynecologic cancers and is affiliated to Gynecology and Obstetrics
Departments of Acıbadem Healthcare Group.
Turkey |
Acıbadem University is a thematic university in field of health which is founded by Acıbadem Health and Education Foundation in 2007. Reflecting the Acıbadem Culture that is based on quarter-century experience and knowledge in healthcare to higher education, the university aims to educate healthcare professionals, who are qualified and open to continuous improvement, through strong academic staff and sophisticated technologic infrastructure. Students and healthcare professionals are educated in the CASE that is available in research-oriented Acıbadem University and one of the most comprehensive clinical stimulation centers worldwide.
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