Obstetrics and Gynecology
Welcome to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Akdeniz University Hospital we provide a comprehensive clinical department that provides investigative, treatment and emergency services for a whole range of obstetric and gynaecological conditions. We are in collaboration with the other sub specialty departments, our patient centered model of care delivery has made us a referral center for tertiary care of complex gynaecological conditions and high risk obstetrics cases in the Meditarranian Region and other neighboring Europian
Union, Russian Federation and Middle East Countries. Our team ensure that all our patient’s needs are prioritized, providing our patients and their families with the support they need during their period of illness and recovery. For the health professional, our department has established itself as a center for clinical education, training and research.
Our highly skilled doctors all aim to provide a comprehensive patient-centered health care in the following areas;
- General Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Gynecology
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- Reproductive Medicine and Infertility
Services Offered:
- Cervical screening and colposcopy assessment
- First Level fetal anomaly scanning
- First Trimester Screening for Down’s syndrome
- Prenatal invasive testing
- Fertilitypreservation for semen
- Embryo and oocyte vitrification
- Urinary Incontinence Surgery
- Pelvic floor dysfunction therapy
- Urogenital prolapse – vaginal hysterectomy
- Abnormal hysterectomy
- Vault laparoscopic prolapse
- Sexually transmitted diseases prevention and therapy
- Perimenopausal transition issues
- Hormone replacement therapies
- Regular screening for cancers
- Diagnosis of abnormalities of the reproductive tract
- Surgical Operations on Gynecologic Malignancies
- Postpartum and Interval Bilateral Tubal Ligation
- Surgical Operations on Gynecologic Malignancies
- Surgical operations for Congenital Malformations of the Genital Tract
- Laparoscopy (diagnostic and operative)
- Hysteroscopy (diagnostic and operative)
- Tubal Surgery,reanastomosis, tubal ligation, salpingectomy
- Surgical Operations on Benign Gynecologic Conditions
- Minor Operations on Gynecologic Conditions (fractional curettage, electrocautery, excision, etc.)
- Procedures for Obstetric Conditions
- NTX (N-Telopeptide) Assay
- Parvovirus B19 IgG/IgM
- Vaginitis DNA Testing
- Gonorrhea DNA Testing
- Chlamydia DNA Testing
- HPV DNA Testing
- Semen Analysis
- Artificial Insemination
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy
- In vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection
- Amniocentesis
- Cordocentesis
- Intrapartal Monitoring
- Non-Stress Testing
- Congenital Anomaly Scanning
- Biometry
- Biophysical Profile Scoring
- Ultrasound-guided biopsy
- Ultrasound-guided aspiration
- Ultrasound-guided paracentesess
- Sonohysterogram
- Doppler
- Transvaginal/Transrectal/Transperineal and Pelvic ultrasound
- Gynecologic Cervico-Vaginal Cytologic Screening
- Colposcopy
- Cryotherapy
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