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Hair Transplant Center

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We provide professional support in Hair Transplant Center.



Hair Transplant Center

Stages of Hair Transplantation

People may experience hair loss problems from time to time. Some people with hair loss apply for hair transplantation. Thanks to the hair transplantation process, people find a solution to the problem of hair thinness or baldness.

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is the process of adding healthy hair follicles with micro surgery in the area where balding is experienced. The person’s own hair is transplanted to the balding area and healthy hair grows back naturally from this area. There are some stages of the hair transplantation process and people start to see the change with their own eyes after a few sessions.

1.  Taking Anamnesis and Informing Patients

Anamnesis is the patient’s history. Anamnesis is taken from the patient who applied to the specialists for hair transplantation and the experts inform the patient by explaining the details of the hair transplantation. Before hair transplantation, which is an aesthetic procedure, it is important to determine the patient’s wishes and desires thoroughly and to create the treatment plan in this direction.

2. Applying Local Anesthesia to the Donor Area

The donor area is the hairy area where the healthy hair follicles of the client will be taken. The areas where the hair follicles will be taken and transferred are marked with the help of a pencil after the photograph of the scalp is taken so that the client can see the change afterwards. Then, the donor area is first shaved and then local anesthesia is applied.

3. Recovery of Healthy Hair Roots (Extraction)

After the effect of local anesthesia, hair follicles are removed with tools called punch and micromotor. Approximately 4500 hair follicles, ie 8-9 thousand hair strands, can be obtained from the patients daily and these follicles are stored in specially prepared hair storage solutions.

4. Extraction of Hair Roots

The hair follicles taken are examined, extracted with the help of a magnifying glass called stereoscope and made ready with the help of LED lights to maintain their optimum temperature.

5. Channel Opening

It is the process of opening the channels that allow the insertion of hair follicles to the area with baldness problem by making incisions with the help of a sharp sapphire knife under local anesthesia.


At this stage, local anesthesia is applied to the balding area and the specialist physician places the hair follicles by performing an extremely careful microsurgical procedure.

All these procedures are meticulously applied in our hair transplant center within the Levent Hospital.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a problem that can be seen in almost everyone. Hair loss does not cause problems when it is between 50 and 150 strands a day, while hair loss exceeding these numbers can cause some problems. There are many reasons why people encounter hair loss.

Stress and Depression

In the presence of stress and depression, which are among the leading causes of hair loss, hair loss occurs periodically. If the stress situation disappears, the hair can regain its former health. Drugs used in the treatment of depression and other ailments also cause hair loss.

Diseases, Drug Use and Chemotherapy

Hair loss may be encountered as a result of some internal diseases, side effects of drugs and chemotherapy.


Gender is one of the factors that affect hair loss. Hair loss is more common in men than women, especially in older ages.

Genetic Factors

The genetic coding of the human body also has a say in hair loss. People with a family history of hair loss are more likely to have this problem. Supplements and measures taken at the first times when hair loss occurs above normal levels can prevent the problem.

Skin Disorders

Health problems such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, fungal diseases, excessive oily skin are among the factors that trigger hair loss.

Nutrition, Vitamins and Minerals

Hair is a living formation in a keratin structure. If the scalp and hair can be fed properly, it can protect its health. In order to maintain the health and durability of the hair follicles and the structure of the hair, it is necessary to develop a beneficial nutrition for the body and hair, and to take the necessary vitamins and minerals. Hair is negatively affected by the deficiency of substances such as B12, folic acid, biotin, vitamin D, iron and zinc. People with weak hair can strengthen their hair with the help of nourishing mixes and creams.


Hormonal changes are quite high, especially in women, and the scalp may be affected by this situation. If there is a malfunction in the functioning of hormones, this is determined by specialist physicians and the necessary treatment plan is drawn up.

Cosmetic Products and Hair Applications

Damages caused by improper application of cosmetic products and chemicals such as dyes can cause hair loss, as well as constantly collecting the hair.

Unshaved Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a process that can be applied with many different techniques. Some of these methods require shaving the donor area, where healthy hair follicles are taken, or the entire head. In some methods, follicles can be taken directly from the donor area without the need for shaving. Since it will take some time for new hair to grow from the shaved area, people considering hair transplantation do not want a certain area to remain hairless, even if it is for a short time, and they are looking for ways of unshaven hair transplantation. It is aimed to eliminate the shaving process by improving many existing hair transplantation techniques.

Unshaved FUE Technique

The FUE technique is a technique that requires shaving, but the unshaven version has also been developed due to the aesthetic concerns of the patients and their desire to return to their normal lives as soon as possible. The unshaved FUE technique involves the help of the assistant personnel to separate the hair and open an area that can be seen comfortably, and the specialist doctor to take the hair follicles with micro surgery. With the help of the tool called Punch, the doctor collects the hair follicles in accordance with the angle and the direction of hair growth and adds to the balding area.

Since less follicles can be collected in each session, it is a long-lasting method. In addition, it costs more than shaved techniques because it requires different equipment and more labor.

DHI Technique

DHI is a technique that makes hair transplantation possible without the need for shaving. It is very similar to the unshaved FUE technique, but it also has some differences. According to FUE, fewer roots can be reached in a single session, but recovery time and bleeding are less. In addition, while FUE technique is the main target to transplant in a large area, the DHI technique is based on dense planting.

Alternative Methods to Unshaved Hair Transplantation

Unshaved hair transplantation can make people think in terms of cost and time. For this reason, techniques where it is possible that the shaved area covers a small area or is not visible behind long hair are among the methods used by people who want to transplant hair.

Hair Transplant with Sedation

People with hair problems are looking for different hair transplant ways. The aesthetically good feeling of people also affects their health positively. For this reason, people who worry about hair problems want to eliminate the trouble.

What is Hair Transplant with Sedation?

Sedation is a procedure performed by anesthesiologists and allows the person undergoing sedation to sleep, so to speak. Sedation solutions are administered intravenously and the depth of sleep is adjusted by the anesthesiologist. With sedation, the reflexes and sense of feeling are under control and people are prevented from seeing, feeling or reacting to anything during the procedure.

Hair transplantation with sedation can be defined as the event of transplantation by anesthesiologists to sleep the person in accordance with the age, gender, weight, ailments of the person who will have hair transplantation and the duration of the procedure.

Hair transplantation with sedation is also performed in the Levent Hospital hair transplantation center. 


How is Hair Transplantation Performed with Sedation?

The treatment plan is discussed with the clients who come for hair transplantation. A path is drawn by specialist physicians in line with the wishes of the patient, with aesthetic concerns.

The patient comes to an empty stomach on the day of the procedure and sedation solutions are given through the arm through the vascular access. The amount of these solutions is determined by anesthesiologists.

The patient does not feel any pain that will be experienced during the hair transplantation and does not remember because of sleeping during this entire period.

After the head is shaved and the hair follicles are placed from the donor area to the recipient area, the procedure is completed and the patient is awakened within 10-15 minutes.


Advantages of Hair Transplantation with Sedation

Thanks to hair transplantation with sedation, especially patients who are afraid of needles, get rid of local anesthesia injections applied to the scalp.

Since hair transplantation is a long process that takes 5-7 hours, the patient will get through this period in the blink of an eye.

In hair transplantation with local anesthesia, even if the patient does not feel pain, his consciousness will be open during this whole process and may be stressed accordingly. Sedation prevents this situation.

DHI Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a microsurgical procedure applied by people with hair loss and baldness problems today. Different techniques can be applied in the application of this process. It is one of the most developed techniques in DHI.

What is DHI Hair Transplant?

The process of implanting the hair follicles taken from the donor area directly into the bald area, that is, ensuring their implantation, is called DHI (Direct Hair Implant) hair transplantation. Since the implantation is performed directly with a thin cylindrical hand piece called CHOI, no incision is required on the scalp of the patient.

How is DHI Hair Transplantation Done?

After the anamnesis of the patient is taken and according to his / her requests, the treatment is started. In DHI hair transplantation, local anesthesia is applied to the area where the hair will be taken and to the area where it will be transplanted. Follicles are taken by a specialist physician with special hand tools in accordance with the direction and angle of the hair. Immediately afterwards, these follicles taken to the balding area are implanted with the help of special pens in accordance with the angle and direction.

DHI Hair Transplant Advantages

Since direct implantation is performed, it does not require an incision in the scalp. This does not cause wound healing pain and incision scar later.

There is no need to shave the hair in the DHI hair transplant technique.

Since the follicles to be transplanted will spend very little time outside the scalp, the hair in the transplanted area is provided to be healthier and stronger.

Since the tools used are quite thin and they allow the follicles taken with various sizes to be placed on the scalp at more frequent intervals, they provide thicker hair.

DHI Hair Transplant Disadvantages

Since the tools used in the DHI technique are a bit costly, this cost is also reflected in the treatment. The cost also increases as it requires a much more careful microsurgery procedure and labor intensive.

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It is the committee responsible for evaluating, planning, organizing and coordinating units for the patient safety and other issues, unexpected events and nonconformities to be made in line with the requirements of Private Levent Hospital Quality Management Systems and Hospital Service Standards, and evaluating the suitability and effectiveness of the practices.

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Facility Security Committee

In Private Levent Hospital, it is the committee responsible for ensuring the safety of the hospital staff and patients in line with the Hospital Service Standards, taking precautions against any danger that may arise, ensuring the follow-up by making the necessary measurements, and creating a plan and program for crisis situations.

Infection Control Committee

It is the committee responsible for controlling and limiting hospital infections in a scientifically and ethically correct, timely and complete manner and ensuring that necessary precautions are taken in line with the Hospital Service Standards of Private Levent Hospital.

Rational Drug Use Committee

To provide consultancy to the employees of Private Levent Hospital in order to minimize the risks and damages of drug treatments of patients who apply to Private Levent Hospital with a request for treatment and to ensure effective application conditions in order to achieve the optimum clinical results; It is the board responsible for determining, planning and implementing the trainings patients and employees need regarding their medication and drug use, and determining a method to ensure effective communication between healthcare professionals and the pharmacy.

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Baby Friendly Hospital Committee

Private Levent Hospital is a committee responsible for promoting breast milk and promoting breast milk, maternal health services, baby care and the Ten Steps of Breastfeeding, effectively organizing and managing social projects for and outside the institution.

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