We provide professional support in Otorhinolaryngology.
In Ear, Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgery Department; both medical and surgical treatments of ear, nose, throat and related head and neck diseases are carried out in a multidisciplinar approach with other departments. Examination, inspection and treatments of hearing and balance system diseases by endoscopic and microscopic procedures in which the diagnosis and treatment methods based on advanced technology are used.
In our department; advanced endoscopic operations, head and neck tumor operations, operations for repair of the cosmetic and functional losses in these operations, tympanic membrance repair, operations for hearing losses and otitisses, surgical interventions for voice diseases and rhinoplasty in addition to the standard surgeries such as intranasal cuvature (deviation), tonsil, endoscopic sinusitis are successfully performed.
Our department is one of the reference centers where diagnosis and treatment of all head and neck cancers and surgical treatment if necessary, are successfully performed.
In Sleep Disorders Unit; sleep laboratory evaluations are performed for diagnosis of sleep disorders, snoring and respiratory tract congestions in sleep (sleep apnea) of which importance have been understood much better recently. Treatment of these diseases are performed by medical and surgical methods (by using positive pressure breathing device, non-surgical and painless radiofrequency applications and operations techniques for nose, soft palate and tongue base).
The reason of the hoarsenes can be determined by stroboscopic examination after examining the vocal cords by endoscopic methods in patients who have applied with the complaint of voice and speech disorders. Voice therapy techniques in patients with functional voice disorders are applied.
In our clinic, all hearing and balance tests, if necesary for our patients, are perfomed by specialist audiologist and consultancy services are provided to our patients about prothesisses such as hearing aids.
Diseases Treated in Otorhinolaryngology Department of Bayındır Hospital:
Turkey |
Bayındır Sogutozu Hospital, which was opened in 1992 and is the first hospital of our group, has been serving as one of the leading institutions of private health sector for 26 years.
Our hospital provides world-class health service with its 15 thousand 570 m2 closed area, 131 patient beds, 30-bed intensive care units, 6 fully equipped operating rooms, high quality, patient-oriented service approach to both domestic and foreign patients with its latest technology devices, equipment and experienced physician staff.
Bayındır Sogutozu Hospital, which provides in all branches of modern medicine with its specialized physicians and health care personnel, has Joint Commission International (JCI), an international accreditation certificate. Following the successful accreditation certification in 2006, compliance with the standards of the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, which was recently opened in 2008, was also considered successful. Our hospital was accredited for the second time in 2009, the third in 2012 and the fourth in 2015. The aim of the accreditation is to meet the standards that will enable the health institution to provide high quality services by ensuring the continuity of it and to increase the level of patient and employee satisfaction.
Bayındır Sogutozu Hospital which has the medical devices and equipment brought by the advanced medical technology and carries out the activities with the vision of becoming the reference center, by opening a new path in 2005, founded the first Bone Marrow Transplant Center within a private hospital in Turkey. The center provides services for many patients from Turkey and the region, alongside the patients from abroad. The unit, which has the conditions of the highest level of service centers in the international arena, is equipped with all the means to minimize the infection rate, which is the most important threat in this field.
Our Medical Oncology Department is the first oncology center accredited by JCI in Ankara, following the developments in cancer diagnosis and treatment and applying current treatment methods.
Bayındır Sogutozu Hospital, which is one of the private hospitals that started to provide services in Interventional Radiology in the health sector in Turkey, carries out Non-Vascular and Vascular Interventional Radiological procedures with experienced teams.
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