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Bowel Cancer

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We provide professional support in Bowel Cancer.


Bowel Cancer

What are the Risk Factors of Bowel Cancer?

The exact causes of bowel cancer are not known. It
is impossible to say for sure why some people get the disease and some do
not. It is well known that colorectal cancer is not contagious. There
is no risk of the disease passing from one person to another.

Age: The risk of colorectal cancer increases with age. 90%
of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer are over 50 years old. The
average age of diagnosis is 60 years.

Colorectal polyp: A polyp occurs in the inner wall of the large
intestine. They are often seen in people over 50 years of age. Most
polyps are benign, meaning they do not turn into cancer. However, some
polyps (such as adenomas) can turn into cancer. Detection and removal of
polyps significantly reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

Having a family history of colorectal cancer: People with a history of colorectal
cancer in close relatives (parents, siblings, or children)
are more likely to develop colorectal cancer. This risk is higher,
especially if colorectal cancer started at a young age. If you have a
history of colorectal cancer from more than one close relative, this is more

Genetic changes: Changes in some genes increase the risk of
colorectal cancer. Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer syndrome (HNPCC)
is the most common of the hereditary (genetic) colorectal cancers. In all
colon cancers, the rate reaches up to 2%. In this type of cancer, changes
in the HNPCC gene are observed. 3 out of 4 people with HNPCC gene disorder
develop colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer associated with the HNPCC
gene occurs at a younger age (40 years).

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP): This rare familial
disease has hundreds of polyps from the colon and rectum. A change in a
specific gene called APC causes polyps to form. FAP can turn into
colorectal cancer in the middle 40s if left untreated. It is not a common
disease, accounting for less than 1% of all colorectal cancers.

All individuals in the families of individuals diagnosed
with HNPCC or FAP should be genetically tested for early detection of specific
changes in the disease. If there are genetic changes, they look for ways
to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, and investigate the presence of the
disease by different diagnostic methods. Adults diagnosed with familial
colonic polyps may be offered a surgical removal of part or all of the colon by
a physician.

Having a history of colorectal cancer : In people who have previously been
diagnosed and treated for colorectal cancer, this type of cancer may recur a
second time. However, women who have previously had ovarian, uterine
(endometrial) or breast cancer have an increased risk of developing colorectal

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease: Inflammation of the colon,
such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, increases the risk of
developing colorectal cancer if the disease persists for many years.

Nutrition: Scientific studies show that people who eat foods high in fat (especially animal fats),
those with low levels of calcium and folate, and those who eat low-fiber foods
have an increased risk of colorectal cancer. However, some scientific
studies have shown that those who eat less fruits and vegetables have an
increased risk of colorectal cancer. However, more scientific research is
needed to understand how nutrition affects the risk of colorectal cancer.

Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of developing intestinal polyps and developing colorectal

If you think you are at risk, you should tell your doctor
about your concerns. Your doctor will inform you about ways to reduce the
risk and suggest a suitable check-up plan.

Screening and Diagnosis Methods for Bowel Cancer

For early detection of polyps or colorectal cancer;

People 50 years and older should supervise.

People who have a higher than average risk for colorectal cancer should talk to their doctor.

Even if they are under the age of 50, they should be
included in screening programs, which tests should be performed, and the
intensity of the screening program should be decided with the benefits and
risks of each test.

The following diagnostic tests; polyps, cancers or
abnormalities in the bowel and rectum are used to detect:

Hidden blood analysis in feces



Double contrast barium enema graph

Digital rectal examination

Diagnosis of Bowel Cancer

In the  presence of signs and findings of colon cancer , research with modern
diagnostic methods should be deepened and proven to be cancer-free.

Diagnosis methods:


Blood tests

Endorectal ultrasound

Computed tomography

Lung graph

Methods of Treating Bowel Cancer

Frequently in the treatment of colon cancer; surgical
treatment, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used together.

Surgical Treatment

The most commonly used treatment for colorectal cancer is
surgery. In surgical treatment, the area around the tumor with the swollen
area is removed from the colon or rectum. Depending on the area and stage
of the cancer, radiation therapy and / or chemotherapy may be offered in
addition to surgery.


Chemotherapy may be given to shrink large tumors before
surgery. Chemotherapy can also be given to destroy cancer cells that may
have remained after surgery or to prevent the cancer from coming back.


External radiation: Radiation is given from outside the body with
radiotherapy devices.

Internal radiation (implant radiation): radioactive material is
delivered to the bottle from a source inside the body through thin tubes placed
inside or around the tumor.

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About Neolife

For diagnosis and treatment of cancer, combining multi-disciplinary approach with modern healthcare services and state-of-the-art medical equipment and qualified team, Neolife Medical Center was put into service in 2010. For oncologic procedures, our vision is being a reference institution for national and international centers, which meet national and international standards, and the institution is certified by ISO 9001-2008 in 2011, our service quality is accredited.

Our center offers any and all diagnostic and therapeutic services with international patients from many countries of world based on its success in oncologic treatment. International Patient Services render services round the clock to organize accommodation, translation and transport services for international patients. Our team deals with each patient professionally at all points, starting with first contact and arrival to Neolife in Istanbul and extending to diagnostic and therapeutic services and flight back to home country. The success profile achieved by Istanbul Neolife model in Turkey paved the way to establishment of second Neolife Medical Center in Bucharest, Romania in 2013. A new center, also known as Neolife Vital was put into service Laşi, Romania in 2016. Those steps made us being one step closer to international targets.  Our target is to sustain and improve success, service quality and patient-physician satisfaction achieved to date. Awareness studies are continued by liaison offices established in nearby geography.

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