Both medical and surgical treatment of ear, nose, throat and related head and neck
diseases can be successfully applied using today’s technology in the Ear Nose
Throat Diseases Head and Neck Surgery Department of our hospital.
Membrane repair and hearing improvement surgeries using a surgical microscope
Ear infections
Hearing loss
Balance diseases
Aesthetic Nose Surgeries, Functional Nose Surgeries, Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries
Nasal allergies
Smell disorders
Problems with nasal congestion
Nasal and sinus diseases such as nasal polyposis
Diseases such as lacrimal gland blockages
Laryngeal Cancer Surgery, Biopsy Taking from Vocal Wires and Around, Microsurgery of Vocal Cord
Problems Using Surgical Microscope
Nodules, polyps in the vocal cords
Other vocal cord disorders
Voice disorders
Swallowing problems
Throat diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux
Adenoid and Tonsil Surgeries, Ventilation Tube Application to Ear Membranes, Tongue Excision,
Congenital Cyst-Fistula-Mass Surgery,
Chronic Tonsillitis (Tonsil Infections)
Adenoid hypertrophy (adenoid enlargement)
Fluid accumulations in the middle ear
Allergic diseases
Congenital Head and Neck Area Anomalies
Head and Neck Region Benign and Malign Diseases
Benign and Malignant Tumor Surgeries of the Head and Neck Region such as Laryngeal Cancers, Salivary
Gland Tumors, Tumors of the Base of the Mouth and Tongue-Palate-Swallow Region
The 7-storey Private Medivia Hospital located in Çengelköy, one of the important centers of the two continents, is established on a 4000 square meter closed area and has a large car park, 26 service beds (2 suites, 24 standard), 25 incubator neonatal intensive care unit, 7 beds Our hospital with a total of 58 beds including adult intensive care unit, physical therapy and rehabilitation unit, radiology unit (MR, computed tomography, bone densitometer), sleep laboratory, endoscopy unit, 24 + 1 polyclinic room, 3 operating rooms, 2 delivery rooms, biochemistry / microbiology laboratory serves with emergency service and diagnostic units.
You will feel safe with our physician staff, nurse and assistant health personnel who can apply the preventive service and treatment approach in our hospital in the best way.
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