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Gynecology and Obstetrics

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Avicenna Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, highly experienced obstetrician doctors provide services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In this context, general diagnosis and treatment services are provided.


Gynecology and Obstetrics


Our hospital’s obstetrician doctors work in many areas,
from menopause and osteoporosis, birth control methods, pregnancy follow-up,
cancer diagnosis and treatment, and in vitro fertilization. Patients who
come to the hospital and see our specialist doctors, receive diagnosis and
treatment services with state-of-the-art devices. In this context, our
patients are informed instantly from the first day to the last second.


Gynecology is the branch that deals with all
diseases of a woman starting from puberty to menopause. In this process,
patients are diagnosed and treated through the gynecology and obstetrics
department, and regular checks are carried out. Prevention is one of the
most basic duties of our doctors here. In this context, polyclinic service
is provided by making use of all the possibilities of modern medicine. First
of all, infections, inguinal region pain, irregularity in menstruation,
ultrasonography for early diagnosis of cancer, PAP-smear examination,
colposcopy and routine yeasts are performed by our best obstetrician
specialists in the field.

Pregnancy Service

Avicenna Hospital provides services during pregnancy,
which is the most important and sensitive process in women’s lives. 
Avicenna Hospital’s specialist gynecologists play a leading role in this
critical process for expectant mothers to get through the process in the most
accurate way. The most accurate treatment, support and information work is
carried out for the expectant mother from the pregnancy process to the birth
process and postnatal processes. It is aimed for the expectant mothers to
complete the process in the most correct way and the healthy development of the
baby. After the start of the pregnancy process, the observation process of
the expectant mother is carried out with ultrasound machines. As a result,
a delivery option is chosen according to how the pregnancy process
progresses. In this context, options such as normal birth, cesarean or
epidural anesthesia are discussed.

High Risk Pregnancy

Support from other branches is also provided
for expectant mothers who have undergone a pregnancy process evaluated in the
high-risk group. If there is a disease that may cause complications during
pregnancy, strict follow-up should be continued by doctors. In pregnancies
in such high risk groups, health problems may occur during and after delivery. You
should be prepared in advance for any problem that may occur and be ready to
intervene. Highly experienced and expert obstetricians serve at Avicenna
Hospital. Neonatal intensive care doctors also attend the births.


Babies born at Avicenna Hospital receive the best
possible level of care with their mothers. The new mother does not worry
about her in the hospital and knows well that her baby is safe. Newborn
babies live their first hours with both the experience and the tender hands of
our expert doctors. On the other hand, the nurse staff are also specialized
in their field and have received all of their training. The Department of
Child Health and Diseases takes part in the process of all examinations and
tests of the baby during and after Obstetrics and Gynecology. The
professional approach shown in this process is reflected on the baby by
integrating with the mother’s affection.

Gynecological Oncology

All types of cancer that may occur in the genital area
are defined as gynecological cancer. Gynecological cancers can disrupt
women’s lives. Therefore, early diagnosis and correct treatment are
vital. Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital implements correct and appropriate
treatment methods both surgically and medically with its specialist physician staff.


Menopause is one of the most special processes
of women that needs to be addressed from a scientific point of view. In
the Gynecology and Obstetrics medical units of Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital, all
women are treated and followed up during the menopause period. Diseases
such as bone resorption that progress in parallel with menopause are followed
up and treatment processes are carried out. On the other hand, other
damages of this process on women are tried to be minimized. In this
context, our gynecologists can act together with other medical branches when
necessary. Our patients in the period of menopause can safely overcome
this process with the specialist doctors of Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital.

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Our mothers who decide to give birth at Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital
will be in privacy from the period of hospitalization in private rooms to the
moment when their babies leave the hospital in their arms. In this
process, all the possibilities of medicine are used and the mother is hosted in
the most comfortable way possible. Our mothers wait for the birth
comfortably as if they were at their own homes with their families. Our
hospital, which takes into consideration the hygiene rules, takes both the
mother and the baby into care in the cleanest rooms with the cleanest devices. Mothers
and fathers know that their babies are being taken care of with the latest
technology, with great compassion, and they feel comfortable.

Date of Birth Calculator

Under normal circumstances, the gestation period is
considered to be 280 days. In this context, if the mother-to-be knows her
last menstrual period and her periods occur regularly, a very simple
calculation will be sufficient. If the mother-to-be adds 7 days on the
last menstrual day and subtracts 3 months, the closest estimated date of birth
will be calculated. To give an example, let’s assume December 14 is the
last menstrual day. So 14 + 7 = 21, let’s subtract 3 months from the 12th
month, 12-3 = 9. According to the calculation, the baby’s likely birthday
will be September 21st. But it should not be forgotten that babies are
born on the day they want, not the dates their parents want or
calculate. In other words, a birth can take place between 15 days ahead
and 15 days behind the calculated birth date of the baby.

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Our Quality Management System Policy

As Avicenna Hospital, our main goal is to meet the expectations of patients and employees. It is our ideal to be an institution where our employees are honored and proud to work. It is our ultimate duty to carry out scientific research within the framework of ethical subjects by complying with the requirements of the Quality Management System during the service delivery process. Being aware of our social responsibilities, we contribute to the society at the highest possible level.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality specialist training, to keep the satisfaction of patients and employees at the highest level, to ensure the highest level of safety between patients and employees, and to become the leading hospital of the sector with these efforts, using all the information and technologies brought by modern medicine.

our vision

To become a hospital recommended and recommended in the international arena in the light of the quality of the service provided. In accordance with ISO 9001-2008 requirements and Ministry of Health Service Quality Standards;

Respecting patient rights,

Dependent on medical ethics and deontology

Ensuring patient and employee safety

nature friendly

Adopted the Quality Management System

Following modern medicine

Satisfaction oriented

To be a stable institution targeting health tourism.

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