We provide professional support in Immunization (IUI).
If pregnancy could not be achieved despite regular
intercourse, the vaccination method appears to be a good and fast option. Vaccination
aims to increase the chance of pregnancy by stimulating the ovaries with pills
or daily injections following the menstrual period. The semen sample of
the male is subjected to special processes and the good and fast-moving sperm
is washed and separated from the semen fluid. Sperms are concentrated in a
small volume in a special sterile liquid that maintains vitality and mobility. Washed
sperm is injected into the uterus (endometrium) by passing through the cervix
with a thin cannula (catheter). The patient is rested for about half an
hour. Progesterone and antibiotics can be given to the patient if deemed
necessary. After the vaccination procedure, no prohibition on the social
or sexual life of the patient is applied. Pregnancy expectation per vaccination
is 15-20%. 10-20% of the pregnancies that occur are in the form of
multiple pregnancies.
• If the patient has been found to have a problem with ovulation;
• If there is a moderate problem in sperm quality;
• If the mucus secretion in the cervix negatively affects the sperm,
• If there is a problem in having sexual intercourse , • If there is
unexplained infertility, the physician may recommend the vaccination procedure.
With the vaccination process, the fast moving, alive, deformed sperms are
sorted, concentrated and the distance to meet the egg is shortened. At the
same time, by coordinating the time of ovulation and the delivery of sperm to
the uterus, we maximize the chance of pregnancy. The vaccination process
can be repeated once or twice, according to the physician’s decision,
considering the patient’s condition and sperm quality after the egg is cracked. The
patient, who is suitable for vaccination, may need to repeat this treatment at
certain intervals. However, if the treatment has been repeated 2-4 times
and no results have been obtained, it should be considered that other problems
accompany infertility.
Patients who do not have results from vaccination treatment or who are not
suitable for vaccination benefit from other assisted reproductive techniques. If
the patient’s fallopian canals are not working (hydrosalpinx, closed tubes,
adherent tubes, if the tubes are removed by surgery), if the relationship
between the ovaries and tubes is impaired for any reason (adhesions due to
previous surgeries, adhesions due to infections, endometriosis and adhesions
caused), advanced sperm If the woman has a problem, if the woman is in the
advanced age group, if there is infertility of unknown origin and if she has
not benefited from other assisted reproductive techniques, if there is
recurrent miscarriage or immunological infertility, IVF (IVF) or
“Microinjection” method is required.
• To follow the highest level practices reached by medicine closely and to contribute to science.
• To be open to innovation and development with qualified healthcare professionals without compromising medical ethical principles.
• To be a pioneer in its field, constantly renewing itself by prioritizing patient and employee safety.
• To measurably improve the service quality we provide by understanding the needs and expectations of our patients.
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