We provide professional support in Laser Hair Removal.
Laser Epilation is the fastest and healthiest way to
permanently get rid of unwanted hair. The wavelength of the laser light
used in laser epilation has the ability to be absorbed by the melanin
pigment. With laser epilation with cooling system laser technique, the
heat of laser turns into heat that directly destroys the hair root without damaging the skin.
Patients who should not undergo laser epilation. Patients with
gray and white hair, sunbathed patients, those who have recently
received other types of laser treatment, those with a tendency to
hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, those who take light-sensitizing drugs
such as Tetracycline or retinoids. These drugs should be discontinued
three or four weeks before laser hair removal treatment. In addition,
laser epilation should not be applied to patients with skin type V and VI and
those with a history of Herpes. Laser epilation is generally a safe method
according to our current knowledge.
Laser epilation can be applied to anyone who has completed the age
of 12 and has dark hair. If the hair is light colored, that is, it has
little pigment, it will not absorb laser light, so it is not affected by laser
epilation. Which areas is laser epilation suitable for?
Provided that the eyes are protected with special glasses, laser
epilation can be applied to the hair in all body parts except the
eyelids. How long is each session? Although this period varies
according to the characteristics of the devices used in laser epilation, the
face can be done in 5 – 6 minutes, mustache in 1 – 2 minutes, legs in 1 hour
with devices that have very fast working features.
First of all, the person should be seen and evaluated, if
necessary, the cause of hair growth should be investigated by a Dermatology specialist,
analysis and examinations should be carried out. It is essential that the
hairs are not yellowed before the laser epilation application, and the
intervention for the root such as tweezers or threads should not be performed
in the last 3 weeks before laser epilation.
While the hair follicle is destroyed with laser epilation, the
goal is to damage the cells in the hair follicles by selectively heating
them. The energy absorbed by the hair root transforms into heat and
destroys the hair root cell in such a way that it cannot grow again. The
laser beam applied to the skin within milliseconds passes without damaging the
skin cells and is absorbed by the color pigments in the hair root. All
hair removal lasers delay hair growth and make the hair grow weaker and
smaller. For permanent hair removal, it is necessary to destroy the
hair-producing part of the hair root called papillae. Only an alexandrite-type
laser epilation device that reaches this depth can provide this. During
the treatment, the anlagen, pathogen or telegenic phases, which are the growth
stages of the hair, are important in terms of treatment. The fact that the
hairs are in different stages during the laser epilation application is the
reason for the permanent and definite result to be obtained after an average of
4-6 sessions. The application times and doses of the laser beam vary
according to the skin tone and structural characteristics of the person.
Provides permanent or long-term hair removal in most patients – A
reliable method if performed according to the technique
Provides the opportunity to apply in large areas such as legs and back
It is a relatively less painful method, most of the patients can easily adapt
to the treatment Will occur even if there is regrowth The hairs are in the form
of weak, light colored cosmetics, weak hairs
It is a fast method. All the hairs
on the body can be removed in 4-5 hours – It does not have any toxic
or allergic side effects on the skin, does not irritate the skin, does not
leave permanent scar, there is no evidence that it is carcinogenic.
It is the most important treatment method for ingrown hairs and ingrown hairs.
There is no risk of skin infections and infectious diseases.
Our mission is to provide our quality and economical services with our qualified and expert staff, regardless of religion, language, race and gender, which are committed to ethical values, respectful to patient rights, and include preventive health services as well as curative practices.
To be a health institution that is shown as an example with a modern management system, medical practices and technology, meets the expectations of the society and all health needs of our patients and is preferred primarily with these features.
Caring for Human Values.
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