It is an examination that enables the detection of
increases in the movements of the fetus and the heart rate as a sign of the health
of the fetus in the later weeks of pregnancy. NST examination is important
in monitoring the health of the fetus especially in high risk pregnancies such
as diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and maternal diseases
such as goiter, high blood pressure during pregnancy, decreased fetal
movements, growth retardation, decreased water, and the week of gestation
exceeding 40 weeks.
Usually the 32-34. It starts to be applied in
weeks. In the presence of pregnancy-related risk factors such as the
threat of preterm birth, it can be started as early as 26 weeks of
gestation. The normal NST examination should be repeated 1 week later or
twice a week. In case of deterioration of clinical findings, it is
repeated regardless of the elapsed time.
The NST result gives the change of fetal heartbeats
according to the movements in the mother’s womb. It is also useful for
detecting the contractions in the uterus in the mother and to distinguish
whether the actual labor pains have begun. Monitoring the intensity and
intervals of contractions in the uterus is important in terms of maternal and
fetal health in the beginning and follow-up of labor.
In 1997, Kaş Sağlık Hizmet ve Ürünleri Kimya San.Tic. Ltd. Şti. Our center, which started to serve in the Güneşli region within its structure, was named “PRIVATE KAS MEDICAL CENTER” by adding new specialist physicians to its staff in 2009 and started to provide uninterrupted service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
At the beginning of 2013, we moved to our new building and added new branches and health units to our medical staff. By putting operating rooms and delivery rooms into service, we continue to provide our patients with a wider and higher quality health service and increase this service day by day.
Our center has an agreement with SGK and private insurances.
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