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Obesity Surgery

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We provide professional support in Obesity Surgery.


Obesity Surgery

Obesity has been defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an excessive
accumulation of fat in the body to the extent that it impairs health.

”Morbid Obesity”, which means obesity at illness level, is a chronic disease with
hereditary and environmental reasons, creating physical, mental and economic

The main health problems caused by obesity include Type II Diabetes, Hypertension,
Hyperlipidemia, Cardiovascular diseases, Sleep Apnea, neck, back, waist and
joint pains, gallstones and cancers of organs such as breast and large

Body Mass Index (BMI) is widely used to determine obesity based on the World Health
Organization’s obesity classification. BMI is a value obtained by dividing
the body weight (kg) by the square of the height (in m) (BMI = kg / m2). 

Obesity Treatment

In the treatment of obesity, diet, exercise and behavioral
change treatments are the primary needs to be done. Surgical treatment
options are available for patients who cannot get results from these

Surgical Treatment Options

The aim of the surgical treatment of obesity is to ensure that 80% or more of the
patient’s excess weight is lost within 1-1.5 years.

Before performing bariatric surgery, the patient’s eating habits, psychological and
hormonal status should be investigated in detail.

In order to be able to apply a surgical procedure to the patient;

Body Mass Index (BMI) over 40

Obesity-related disease in patients with a BMI of 35 and above

Not benefiting from repetitive diet, exercise and behavior change treatments

No alcohol or substance addiction

There should be no mental or physical illness that prevents the operation.

1. Tube Stomach (Sleeve Gastrectomy) Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is a surgery that is in the class of surgery that limits the
stomach capacity and is based on removing 75-80% of the stomach with an
incision made on the long axis of the stomach. Although its main effect is
to decrease the volume of the stomach, it strengthens its effect by removing
the center where the hormone “Ghrelin”, known as the appetite hormone
in the stomach, is secreted.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia by laparoscopic (closed) method
with the help of 4 or 5 holes. The stomach is cut with the help of
cutting-stapler special tools called “staplers” and taken out of the

As in all obesity surgeries, the aim after surgery is to lose 80% of the patient’s
excess weight in a period of 9-12 months.

Since the method does not change the digestive mechanism, the loss of vitamins and
minerals is minimal after surgery and does not require long-term vitamin and
mineral supplements.

Patients are discharged from the hospital on the 3rd or 4th day of the surgery and can
return to their daily life after a resting period of 10-15 days.

2. Gastric By-Pass Surgeries

Since it is an older technique compared to sleeve gastrectomy, it is a surgery that
is both gastric volume restrictive and absorption-impaired, which has been
applied more worldwide. So the patient eats less and benefits less when he

It is based on the principle that a 30-35 cc stomach is prepared in the part of
the stomach close to the esophagus and the determined point of the small
intestine is connected to the prepared stomach. It is called “Mini
Gastric By-Pass” or “Roux En Y Gastric By-Pass” according to the
prepared stomach and the connecting small intestine point. Both are done
under general anesthesia and laparoscopic method.

Although the hospital stays and recovery periods after the surgery are the same as the
“Tube Stomach” surgery, patients have to take long-term vitamin and
mineral support after Gastric By-Pass surgery.      


Surgical controls of the patients are performed at the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th months
after the operation. During this process, patients are closely followed by
the dieticians of our hospital.

It should not be forgotten that these interventions provide our patients with a
new body between 9 and 12 months. Protecting and improving this body is in
the hands of our patients with healthy nutrition and appropriate exercise

Stomach Balloon as a Non-Surgical Alternative

Gastric balloon application, one of the methods used in the treatment of obesity, is a
method that facilitates the adaptation of patients to diet by reducing the
stomach volume through a 600-700 cc balloon placed in the stomach. It
attracts attention with the fact that it is a preferred method in the
preparation stage of the surgery especially in patients who do not want
surgery, in patients whose body mass index is not suitable for surgery and who
want to lose weight, or in patients with super-morbid obesity. The gastric
balloon application is an absolutely non-surgical method, and the balloon is
inserted and removed only endoscopic ally. The procedure is performed by
creating a sleep state, which we call sedation, and patients do not feel
anything during the procedure.

Due to the nature of the stomach, it wants to either transfer its contents to the
small intestine or expel it by vomiting. Therefore, some complaints such
as nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stomach area may occur in the first week
(especially in the first three days) after the application. During this
period, patients should be supported with both oral medication and intravenous
serum therapy. After this distressing period, patients should continue the
process with a dietician.

The balloon remains in the stomach for about 8 to 9 months, and at the end of this
period, it is removed endoscopic ally (without surgery).

Gastric balloon application is a method with higher failure rates compared to surgical
methods. Especially after the balloon is removed, there is a risk of
regaining the weight lost. The reason for this may be that balloon
application is a more patient-dependent method compared to surgical
methods. The purpose of balloon application is to temporarily reduce the
stomach volume and enable the patients to gain a new nutritional
habit. Failures are seen in patients who have not gained this habit or who
later return to their old eating habits.

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Patient Safety Committee

It is the committee responsible for evaluating, planning, organizing and coordinating units for the patient safety and other issues, unexpected events and nonconformities to be made in line with the requirements of Private Levent Hospital Quality Management Systems and Hospital Service Standards, and evaluating the suitability and effectiveness of the practices.

Education Committee

It is the committee responsible for guiding the recruitment of qualified personnel in line with the Hospital Service Standards, ensuring the continuous training of all personnel, providing opportunities for their professional and other development, coordinating social organizations and ensuring effective communication.

Facility Security Committee

In Private Levent Hospital, it is the committee responsible for ensuring the safety of the hospital staff and patients in line with the Hospital Service Standards, taking precautions against any danger that may arise, ensuring the follow-up by making the necessary measurements, and creating a plan and program for crisis situations.

Infection Control Committee

It is the committee responsible for controlling and limiting hospital infections in a scientifically and ethically correct, timely and complete manner and ensuring that necessary precautions are taken in line with the Hospital Service Standards of Private Levent Hospital.

Rational Drug Use Committee

To provide consultancy to the employees of Private Levent Hospital in order to minimize the risks and damages of drug treatments of patients who apply to Private Levent Hospital with a request for treatment and to ensure effective application conditions in order to achieve the optimum clinical results; It is the board responsible for determining, planning and implementing the trainings patients and employees need regarding their medication and drug use, and determining a method to ensure effective communication between healthcare professionals and the pharmacy.

Transfusion Committee

In line with the vision, mission and policies of Private Levent Hospital, it is the committee responsible for providing the patients with the appropriate amount of blood products, keeping the transfusion reactions to a minimum, ensuring safe blood donation and safe blood transfusion, and ensuring the continuous training of all personnel in the transfusion chain.

Baby Friendly Hospital Committee

Private Levent Hospital is a committee responsible for promoting breast milk and promoting breast milk, maternal health services, baby care and the Ten Steps of Breastfeeding, effectively organizing and managing social projects for and outside the institution.

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