We provide professional support in Ear, nose and throat diseases.
Endovizual systems are used in the examination of patients who apply to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Medilife Health
Group. Examinations of the patients; It is performed with the help of endoscopic devices.
Endovizual systems are used in the examination of patients who apply to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Medilife Health
Group. Examinations of the patients; It is performed with the help of endoscopic devices.
Standard operations such as tonsillitis, nasal diseases, which cause symptoms such as sinusitis and snoring, which are in the area of Otorhinolaryngology and which cause symptoms such as snoring, are also performed. You can apply to our units for diseases such as dizziness and tinnitus.
Ear Membrane Repair
nasal Children meat and Tonsil Surgery
Ear Micro Surgery The
Bucket Ear Repairs
Sound Microsurgery Towards Disease Operations
Snoring and Sleep Apnea (Sleep Breath Cut) Surgery
Chronic Otitis Surgery (Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy etc.)
Instead Prosthesis of ear Icicles (Stapes Surgery , Plasti-Ossikülo)
head and Neck Tumors (larynx, oral inside, neck, salivary gland cancer, etc.).
Your health is important to us
We continue to provide stable healthcare services that we have maintained for many years with 600,000 examinations, 13,000 surgeries and 6,000 births per year.
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